Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Asking for Prayer Tonight

I'm really tired tonight so this will be quick and to the point!

Please pray for DD Erica tomorrow morning as she is having a hernia operation. Just talked with her a few minutes ago. She sounds calm. She has to be at the hospital by 7:30. Please pray that besides the operaton going well, that it goes on time and she doesn't have to spend half a day just waiting around!! That happened when she was getting ready to have a c-section when Elizabeth was born. She had to be at the hospital, if I remember correctly, at 5:30 a.m. Didn't have the baby until about 1:15.

This will be the first time that Elizabeth has been separated from Erica. Though the operation is only outpatient, it will be a long day. Thankfully, a friend and neighbor has offered to take care of Elizabeth for them. She just lives across the street so at least the other children will be around if needed. Their friend, Tony, will be babysitting the older children.

I will be heading to TN at 7 a.m. on Saturday! The children don't know I'm coming so it will be a surprise for them!

If you notice that I use the word "children" rather than "kids", it's because I've been brainwashed by an older friend of mine who thinks children should be called children, not kids. To her "kids" are goats!! To her, children are individuals - boys and girls - not goats! So, as tempting as it is to use the word "kid" or "kids", I always feel guilty even when she's not around!! :-) But, I love her anyway!! She's like a mother/aunt/older sister to me.

As I said, I'm really tired tonight so will say "Good Night".

God bless,

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Ohh, I was hoping she would call me. I can't call her, I am not getting a signal at all. please call me at work when you know something. I emailed her.