Friday, November 7, 2008

Self Pity

I realize it's been awhile since I've been on here and my blogs are far and few between. Some nights I lay in bed and write whole blogs that are informative and interesting, but by the morning they're gone!

Sometimes I think, "what's the point?" I only know of a couple people who actually really read anything I write and have an interest in hearing what I have to say and most of what I write I can send to them in an e-mail!! Same thing, different venue.

It sounds like I'm in a "self pity" mood today, doesn't it?! Guess I am. This, too, will pass. It always does! I hate when I get like this, but at the same time I revel in it, know what I mean? I say to the Lord "help me" but in the back of my brain I'm thinking I want to feel sorry for myself.

What I need to do is to start praying for others. I find when I do that, "self" seems to disappear. In reality, what do I have in my life that I need to be self-centered about? Nothing! Just this morning I received an e-mail through our church prayer chain for a family where a woman is undergoing heart surgery next week, her husband has cancer and will be starting treatment, and their daughter is having gallbladder surgery. Another woman's sister died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Get a grip here, Linda!

I'm feeling better already just sharing. Thanks for stopping by and "listening" to me! Gotta run and get ready for work.

God bless,

P.S. Please keep the above families in your prayers as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hear ya! praying for others is the best cure! love ya!